
Health Benefits of Medical Marijuana

As medical cannabis becomes increasingly more popular, more people are using it to cope with issues like depression, pain management, and anxiety. Recent research indicates that both the use and abuse of prescription drugs like opiates are actually declining in states where either medical or recreational marijuana use is legal. So, a decline in opiate…

cbd loud news

The Success of CBD for Pain

The next time you have a headache, skip taking ibuprofen or Tylenol. Instead, you may want to consider swallowing a CBD capsule. Cannabidiol (called CBD for short) is a new favorite product in the health industry. CBD has recently been advertised as a quick fix for anxiety, ADHD, and pain. CBD Benefits and Pain Relief…

Descheduling Marijuana : The MORE Act

The Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act, also known as the MORE Act, is a proposed piece of U.S. federal legislation that would deschedule cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act and enact various criminal and social justice reforms related to cannabis, including the expungement of prior convictions. Introduced in 2019, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the bill on December 4, 2020, marking the first time a chamber…